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Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Scout Leader P.R.A.Y. workshop "Building Sustainable Units through Faith-Based Initiatives " registration deadline 1/31
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Did you know? 518 young men achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in 2012 throughout central Maryland
Baltimore Area Council National Eagle Scout Association Chair Chad Gillenwater Staff Contact Ian Smith
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013
5th Annual BSA Report to the State of Maryland
Staff contact: Jeffrey Griffin
RSVP: Ashlea Pinkham
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Monday, January 28, 2013
Check for Baltimore Area Council Scout STEM Program Announcements at
Thurgood Marshall STEM District Executive Ian Smith
Four Rivers STEM District Executive Patrick Shields
Field Director Kevin McClelland
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Saturday, January 26, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Congratulations to our own Steve Martino, Baltimore Area Council Executive Board Member, recognized by the Daily Record as one of the Influential Marylanders
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Want timely Scouting news and program information in your Baltimore Area Council Scouting world?
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Want to see some design elements of the new concept Scout Shop store at Dorsey Road?
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Thursday, January 24, 2013
Broad Creek Memorial Scout Reservation Promotion For Your Scouts on Vimeo
Staff Contact Hank Wiese
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013
What's that? An internship at Boy Scouts!
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Volunteers get and give valuable skills, practical abilities at March 2013 University of Scouting at Carroll Community College
Staff Contact Scott Cheesman
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Monday, January 21, 2013
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Scouts gathering for the afternoon program at USNA National Eagle Scout Association STEM Weekend
Eagle Scout Midshipmen teaching 700 Scouts STEM Merit Badges like Nuke Science, Robotics, Energy
Staff Contact Kevin McClelland
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Thank you volunteers & staff today checking, reviewing 2013 Btoad Creek Summer Camps programs & facilities
Director of Support Services Eric Chase
Camping Director Hank Wiese
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Friday, January 18, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Congratulations Baltimore Area Council Venturing Officers Assn: 250 Venturers attended Venturing Rendezvous Weekend
Baltimore Area Council Venturing page on Facebook
Staff Contact Janet Fields
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
From the InterFaith Committee and Archiocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting
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Saturday, January 12, 2013
Selected Scouts to help lead Opening Ceremonies at Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Awards Dinner on Friday in Anne Arundel County
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Baltimore Area Council Board Chair Barry F. Williams, an Eagle Scout and former Lodge Chief himself, to address Arrowmen at Annual OA Lodge Banquet this evening
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Friday, January 11, 2013
Scouts to Participate in the 57th Presidential Inauguration

The National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America will once again participate in the Presidential Inauguration.. Currently, space available for Troops, Crews and Posts to participate. Baltimore Area Council are invited to participate. The registration fee is $30.
Contact Jennifer at 301-442-7423.
On Monday, January 21 approximately 750 Scouts from National Capital Area Council will participate in the 57th Presidential Inauguration, continuing a tradition that reaches back to President Woodrow Wilson.
There will be a mandatory meeting for leaders on Friday, January 18th. Registration to participate is still open.
Areas of responsibilities currently assigned to Scouts are:.
a. ADA Team
i. ADA Directional volunteers will direct individuals with disabilities to the specific ADA sections from the security checkpoints.
ii. ADA section volunteers are stationed inside the ADA areas to check individuals in, make sure the sections are reserved for individuals with disabilities only, and direct any individuals inside the ADA section to port-a-johns or vendors. Crossover Volunteer:
b. Inside line management volunteers manage lines at both the port-a-johns and vendor locations in order to prevent line back up into the magnetometers. If the backup reaches the magnetometers, Secret Service will stop the security screening process.
c. Directional volunteers will greet attendees after they pass through magnetometers and are to guide them to the parade route. This includes directions for both ticketholders as well as the general public.
d. Magnetometer ADA volunteers will guide all self-identifying individuals with disabilities through specific magnetometers.
e. Line management volunteers will assist with line formation and direction in front of the security checkpoints. Lines are anticipated to be very long, so these volunteers need to make sure that attendees are greeted and informed of what can and cannot go into the venue. Line management volunteers help sort through ticketed and non-ticketed guests and direct them to the appropriate line.
f. Access Control Bleacher Volunteers will focus specifically on keeping people with the proper credentials in their proper place.
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Baltimore Area Council Dorsey Road Scout Shop to double in size better serving needs of growing number of Scout families and leaders
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Send us your photos of your Baltimore Area Council Scouts in their Scout Action Shirts manufactured by Under Armour
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Thursday, January 10, 2013
Meet Team Owner Ed Hale, a former Explorer himself, and players at the Baltimore Blast Game
Staff contact Taadie Kennedy
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Meet our archdiocese of Baltimore Archbishop William Lori, a former Scout himself, at the 2013 Council Volunteer Recognition Reception
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Spring Eagle Reserve Receptions to be announced...
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Saturday, January 5, 2013
Did you know? There are dedicated Scouters who lead .two Woodbadge Courses in Baltimore Area Council annually including this Sabbath Observant Course
Thank you Woodbadge Staff of Course N6-220-13-1 gathered today at Staff Development especially Course Director Pat Ercolano. Staff contact Eric Chase
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Friday, January 4, 2013
Scouts can earn their way to Summer Camp
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Baltimore Area Council Scouts invited to Normandy 2014 Camporee
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Did you know? Hundreds of Scouts will study STEM subjects led by Eagle Scout Midshipmen the weekend of January 19th
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